This coming Shabbat, in honour of the Torah portion of Behar, which discusses the laws of shmitah (the seven-year agricultural cycle) we're going to focus on our own local grub for our Shabbat potluck. So go check out and support some of our awesome local MN farmers' markets.
I hope you feel as self-righteous reading that as I did writing that.
We hope you can join us for singing, eating, and shmoozing this Friday night (that would be the 18th), beginning at 8pm at Mueller Park (just south of 25th, between Bryant and Colfax in Uptown). If there are any funky weather issues, we'll announce a back-up location on Friday in the mid-afternoon via our fb event page. Please scroll down to see our updated 'who's bringing what' for the Friday night potluck.

But wait! That's not all! On Saturday evening, we have some fun lined up as well:
at 8pm Saturday (not to be confused with Friday), we're having Tea is for Torah (and that's good enough for me) at Raysh's place: a learning session with light nosh, followed by havdalah at 9:30ish pm. And then:
we head off to the downtown Block E AMC 15 to check out the 10:15pm screening of the brand new Sasha Baron Cohen film, The Dictator. We'll top off the night with drinks following the film at Kieran's Irish Pub.
Busy weekend ahead. May you all have a joy-filled week bursting with productivity leading up to it!
And finally, here's who's bringing what for this Friday night's picnic potluck:
Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away)__________(Kate's bringing pita and hummus)
Kosher Wine________(Phillip's bringing 2 quarts of grape juice)
Kosher Wine________(Phillip's bringing 2 quarts of grape juice)
Challah (at least 2)_______(Stefanie)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________
Side dish_________(Deborah P.'s bringing stuffed grape leaves; Ken's bringing tomatoes and a quinoa dish)
Main course___________(Madeline's bringing something main-course-ish)
General stuff:
Citronella candle(s) that repels bugs_____(Raysh)
Bug spray________(Raysh is bringing)
Tea-lights________(Raysh) (but the more candles the better, so other people should feel free
to bring too)
to bring too)
Paper or plastic cutlery: Cups_______ Plates_______(Raysh) Utensils_______
Bowls (if applicable)________
Bowls (if applicable)________
Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______(Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh)