Thursday, September 16, 2010

Guilt-free post-Yom Kippur break-the-fast Shindig + Save the Date for our Sukkot Bash

1) This Saturday night, 9pm at Meredith's house, we'll be noshing on a variety of goodies (please watch you inboxes for an updated list of who's bringing what). Please do come!

2) We're currently in the process of gathering the materials needed to plan and construct our very own sukkah! If you would like to contribute to the building of the Uptown Havurah Sukkah, please get in touch with Raysh. Thank you so much to those who've already stepped forward to help out!

Also, if you're particularly skilled at construction or interior design, this is your moment to shine. Don't be shy about volunteering. We'll probably start building the frame Sunday in front of Ben M.'s place (where the sukkah will, with any luck, stand).

3)...which brings us to the last point: save the date for our Sukkot dinner, Monday night, Sept. 27th. More details to come. (This is during the intermediate days of Sukkot)

That's all for now. May everyone have a meaningful and inspiring Yom Kippur.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Todah Rabbah!

Todah Rabbah, great thanks to everyone who participated in Thursday night's Rosh Hashanah dinner. It was so nice to see so many of you there! May this be a blessed year for all of us, full of more such opportunities for us to celebrate together.

Especially big thanks to Laura for hosting. Please note that we will also have a break-the-fast party this coming Saturday night (9/18) at Meredith's. Please watch your inboxes and/or contact Raysh for more details.

In the meantime, many of us might be interested in hearing Arun Gandhi who will soon be visiting the Twin Cities. For more details on his upcoming talk, please click here. (Thanks Katy!)

Shavua tov and shana tovah

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tashlikh Service: 5:20pm, Thurs. 9/9

Ever wish you could just toss away your wrong-doings?

Well now you can!

Tashlikh consists of tossing some bread crumbs into a body of water and reciting an accompanying text. We will provide said text and even some additional bread.

Come spend time with lovely people in a lovely setting just a couple hours before dinner, right in the neighbourhood. Let's meet over on the grassy area between the street and Lake of the Isles, 5:20pm, Thursday 9/9 at the intersection of W 27th St. & Lake of the Isles Parkway E.

No need to RSVP, just please arrive on time, as we will start promptly at 5:20pm.

Rosh Hashanah dinner, who's bringing what

7:30pm, 9/9 @ Laura's. Be there.

What people are bringing so far:
Wine________ (Bradley)
Challah (at least 2)_______ (Laura)
Rare fruits_______(Raysh's bringing pomegranates; Andrea's bringing dragon fruit; Ben M.'s bringing pomegranates, apples, and honey)
Soup_________ (Margie/David; Deborah+1 or 2)
Salad_________(Katy; Monica;)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________(Ben F.)
Side dish_________(Meredith; Mila; Raysh's bringing apple kugel; Sonia)
Main course___________ (Emily; Andrea)
Dessert____________ (Raysh; Rhiannon is bringing apple pie)
General stuff:
Tea-lights (will provide 24 hr candle for transfer)________(Raysh)
Paper or plastic cutlery: Cups_______ (Deborah) Plates_______ (Raysh) Utensils_______
Transliterated Rosh HaShanah blessing sheets______ (Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh is bringing)