Friday, November 26, 2010

Next week: Shabbat/Hanukkah shindig

Hey everyone. It was great to see so many of you a couple weeks ago at our most recent Friday night gathering. We hope you can join us next Friday for our big Shabbat/Hanukkah celebration.

It'll be going down 5:30PM, Friday, December 3 @ Andrea's.

As always, please bring something for the vegetarian potluck. Please consult the list below to see what we still need for this coming Friday night.

Secondly, in celebration of hanukkah, we'll be doing a Hanukkah grab bag. To that end, we ask everyone bring one item to throw in. Try not to exceed $5 in selecting your item, and try to get something you think others would enjoy.

Also, if you have an extra chair or two, please bring that along with you--we'll most likely need it! Finally, if you would like to light, please BYOH (bring your own hanukiah, or Hanukkah candelabra and candles)

Who's bringing What:


Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away: this is important)_____ (Monica)

Wine________ (Elliot)

Challah (at least 2)_______(Ben F. is bring one challah; Devorah)

Soup_________ (Devorah's bringing matzah ball soup)

Salad_________ (Mila)

Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________

Side dish_________ (Sonia's bringing curried veggies and beans; Cia's bringing stir fry; Deborah and Todd are bringing something vegan/gluten-free and delicious)

Main course___________ (Andrea's making gluten-free latkes; Raysh might make some glutenous latkes; Meredith's making spanikopita; Laura and Joel are bringing something awesome)

suggested: Latkes

Dessert____________ (Raysh is brining Hanukkah Gelt; Katy; Nick)

suggested: Sufganiot (=jelly donuts)_______

General stuff:

Plastic or Paper Cutlery__________

Plastic or Paper Cups___________

Plastic or Paper Plates__________

Napkins_______________ (Monica)

Tea-lights________ (Monica)

Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______ (Raysh)

Bencher with Kiddush: (Raysh)

Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh)

Hanukkah grab bag bag:_____(Raysh)

Extra dreidels:_________


Happy Thanksgiving weekend and see you soon!

Shavua tov.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Upcoming November Friday Night Dinner + pre-Hanukkah lunch meeting and shopping excursion

Hey people!

I hope this does not find you buried under the snow. Or if it does, I hope you're having a fabulous time building that snow replica of the Kremlin to scale. Either way, be sure to make it out this Friday night for our awesome November Havurah Friday night gathering, which will be taking place this Friday, November 19, at 7pm @ Elliot's. (Watch your inboxes for address and instructions)

There's a very good chance we'll need extra chairs, so if you could bring a folding chair or lawn chair along, that would be great. (No sweat if you can't.)

We'll also be collecting for the Uptown Food Shelf, so please remember to bring a non-perishable food item to contribute.

Finally, this is a vegetarian potluck, as always. If you're looking for creative, delicious ideas, check out this posting from my good friend Tamar Fox, over at :

Please consult the list below to see what we still need for this coming Friday night:


Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away: this is important)_____(Monica; Raysh)
Wine________ (Emily; Stefanie)
Challah (at least 2)_______ (Nick)
Soup_________(Joel; Shira)

Salad_________ (Raysh is bringing a salad-esque stir fly; Yael)

Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________(Katy)

Side dish_________ (Deborah and Todd are bringing a vegan/gluten-free kugel; Raysh is bringing a gluten-filled apple kugel)

Main course___________(Meredith is bringing Blintzes)

Dessert____________ (Jon and Chaya)

General stuff:
Plastic or Paper Cutlery__________(Josh)
Plastic or Paper Cups___________(Josh)
Plastic or Paper Plates__________(Josh)
Napkins_______________ (Josh)


Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______ (Raysh)

Bencher with Kiddush: (Raysh)

Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh is bringing)
Food Shelf Donation collection bag:____ (Raysh is bringing)


Also, a number of you have expressed possible interest in having a group Hanukkah shopping excursion. Please watch your inboxes for possible options. If we do it, it will be on Sunday, November 21, mid-day. We'd gather for a quick lunch, over which we'll have a planning meeting, and then we'd go holiday gift hunting.

We're all super busy, so this won't be terribly long. Figure lunch (~an hour) plus shopping (~a little more than an hour). And remember, you can show up for one part and not the other, if you so prefer.

So please, you are warmly encouraged to join me for high-quality noshing, high-quality planning, and (moral support in) shopping--most importantly, figuring out What My Mother Will Love. We'll vote on possible places via email, so stay tuned! Meanwhile, stay warm and safe.

b'virkat Shalom,