Here's Who's Bringing What:
Food: Please note: if you're bringing wine and/or challah, you must arrive on time
Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away: this is important)_____(Alex and Doron are bringing hummus; Dana's bringing cheese & pesto spread with crackers)
Wine________ (Raysh)
Challah (at least 2)___________(Cara)
Soup_________(Katy's bringing pumpkin soup)
Salad_________(Rory and Jory; Osnat)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________(Cara's bringing apple cider)
Side dish_________(Laura and Joel are bringing chili and cornbread muffins; Melissa and Jeff are bringing a quinoa craisin dish)
Main course___________(Mila's bringing a lemon wine risotto dish)
Dessert__________(Madeline; Nick's bringing dessert wine)
General stuff:
Plastic or Paper Cutlery__________(Monica)
Plastic or Paper Cups___________(Monica)
Plastic or Paper Plates__________(Monica)
Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______ (Raysh)
Bencher with Kiddush: (Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh)