After a whirlwind of holiday activity, we can now look forward to kicking it regular Shabbat style, with song, wine, and women (yes, we have many females in our lofty ranks!)...aaaaand food!

The mostly arbitrary theme of this coming Shabbat shindig is "fancy shmancy." Decide for yourself what that means and we'll play along. It could be how you and/or the food you bring appears, etc. etc.
Most important is your company, so RSVP at your soonest convenience, since space is limited. Please feel free to bring new friends, just let us know the # you're expecting and what you're bringing to share.
To that end, let's fill out this list, ja?
Food: Please note: if you're bringing wine and/or challah, you must arrive on time
Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away: this is important)_____Wine________(Madeline + 2 guests)
Challah (at least 2)___________(Madeline + 2 guests)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________
Side dish_________(Melissa's bringing baked brie; Sheryl's bringing something with hypoallergenic noodles)
Main course___________(Laura's bringing beet pasta; Miriam's bringing stuffed peppers)
Dessert____________(Mila's bringing a dessert--probably a pie; Katy's bringing a pear dish; Raysh's bringing a Ben & Jerry's ice cream cake)
General stuff:
Plastic or Paper Cutlery__________
Plastic or Paper Cups___________
Plastic or Paper Plates__________
Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______ (Raysh)
Bencher with Kiddush: (Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh)
Looking forward to welcoming in Shabbat together. Moadim l'simcha! (May we have occasion to rejoice!)