May the new year present us with even more opportunities to celebrate each others' triumphs together as a community.
Our first two events of the new Jewish year will be taking place on Thursday, September 29. At 4:30pm, we will gather for Tashlikh by Lake of the Isles, over on the grassy area between the street and Lake of the Isles, at the intersection of W 27th St. & Lake of the Isles Parkway E.
You don't need to RSVP for Tashlikh, but just be sure to arrive promptly at 4:30pm, as it's a very short service/ritual, and we will head over to Joyce shortly thereafter to begin setting up for dinner. We're doing this mostly BYOB (=bring your own breadcrumbs), but I might have some extra (but hey, I have a load of sins to deal with, so you might want to bring your own).
Which brings us to [drumroll, please]...2nd Night Rosh Hashanah Dinner. For this event, we are asking you do RSVP here and/or to uptownhavurah@gmail.com as soon as you can, indicating both how many people are in your party and what you'll be bringing. We'll keep updating the list below for your reference. Also feel free to add to the comments section below. You can also RSVP on facebook.
Here's everything you need to know:
What: The Uptown Havurah Rosh HaShanah Dinner
When: 6:30pm, Thursday, September 29th
Where: In the parlor room of the Joyce United Methodist Church, 1219 W. 31st Street, Minneapolis MN 55408
What to bring:
1) something to share for the vegetarian potluck,
2) a non-perishable item for the food shelf collection, and
3) (either before or after the holiday), we encourage all attendees to contribute towards Joyce's building repair fund, as their roof recently sustained serious damage after lightening hit their chimney this summer. Joyce is being very generous by allowing us to share their space, and we would like to gratefully acknowledge their kindness.
RSVP with # of attendees and what you're bringing to uptownhavurah@gmail.com
Everyone is welcome and we hope you can join us!
Shanah tovah u'mitukah,
(Quick note: if you're thinking of ideas for what to bring, here are some traditional foods:
*apples and honey
*'new' (usu. rare) fruits
*round challah
*kosher wine
*anything sweet!
We're thinking of doing a few 'blind taste tests,' so let us know if you might want to bring a couple of one thing (such as honey, ice cream, salsa, hummus, etc))
What people are bringing so far:
Kosher Wine________ (Raysh)
Grape Juice________(Katy)
Challah (at least 2)_______(Yehonathan; Ryan and Daffy)
Rare fruits_______(Ryan, Daffy, Naomi and Rafi; Erika and a guest are bringing rare fruit and pomegranates; Nick is bringing pomegranates)
Soup_________(Cara's bringing borsht)
Salad_________(Abigail and Lynsey are bring a beet salad; maybe Madeline)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________
Side dish_________(Camber's bringing a vegan dish; Raysh's bringing an apple kugel; Ryan's bringing a dairy noodle kugel)
'Taste test' foods_____(Raysh's bringing a few different kinds of honey)
Main course___________(Joel; Abigail and Lynsey are bringing a veggie/couscous dish; Sascha's bringing a risotto dish)
Dessert____________ (Rachael's bringing apple pie; Mila's bringing sticky toffee pudding; Steve's bringing something amazing TBA; Cheylenna's bringing fruit breads)
General stuff:
Tea-lights (will provide 24 hr candle for transfer)________(Raysh)
Paper or plastic cutlery: Cups_______(Naomi) Plates_______ (Monica) Utensils_______(Monica; Ben F.'s bringing spoons)
Transliterated Rosh HaShanah blessing sheets______ (Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh is bringing)
Cards and stickers for the taste test_____(Raysh)