Hey everyone. It was great to see so many of you a couple weeks ago at our most recent Friday night gathering. We hope you can join us next Friday for our big Shabbat/Hanukkah celebration.
It'll be going down 5:30PM, Friday, December 3 @ Andrea's.

As always, please bring something for the vegetarian potluck. Please consult the list below to see what we still need for this coming Friday night.
Secondly, in celebration of hanukkah, we'll be doing a Hanukkah grab bag. To that end, we ask everyone bring one item to throw in. Try not to exceed $5 in selecting your item, and try to get something you think others would enjoy.
Also, if you have an extra chair or two, please bring that along with you--we'll most likely need it! Finally, if you would like to light, please BYOH (bring your own hanukiah, or Hanukkah candelabra and candles)
Who's bringing What:
Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away: this is important)_____ (Monica)
Wine________ (Elliot)
Challah (at least 2)_______(Ben F. is bring one challah; Devorah)
Soup_________ (Devorah's bringing matzah ball soup)
Salad_________ (Mila)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________
Side dish_________ (Sonia's bringing curried veggies and beans; Cia's bringing stir fry; Deborah and Todd are bringing something vegan/gluten-free and delicious)
Main course___________ (Andrea's making gluten-free latkes; Raysh might make some glutenous latkes; Meredith's making spanikopita; Laura and Joel are bringing something awesome)
suggested: Latkes
Dessert____________ (Raysh is brining Hanukkah Gelt; Katy; Nick)
suggested: Sufganiot (=jelly donuts)_______
General stuff:
Plastic or Paper Cutlery__________
Plastic or Paper Cups___________
Plastic or Paper Plates__________
Napkins_______________ (Monica)
Tea-lights________ (Monica)
Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______ (Raysh)
Bencher with Kiddush: (Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh)
Hanukkah grab bag bag:_____(Raysh)
Extra dreidels:_________
Happy Thanksgiving weekend and see you soon!
Shavua tov.