From Rabbi Amy Eilberg and Rev. Tom Duke:
Learn the state of the art on:
·Choosing and preparing participants for dialogue·
Creating the conditions for meaningful dialogue to succeed
·Crafting Communication Agreements
·Building a spirit of reflective collaboration
PRESENTER: ROBERT STAINS Senior Vice President, Public Conversations ProjectNational expert in creating constructive public conversations on the most polarized of issuesMay 17th 6:30-9:30 PMHouse of Hope Presbyterian Church797 Summit Ave., St. Paul, MN 55105 between Dale and Victoria; enter from Portland Ave. side) Snacks providedNo charge for admission; donations welcome. RSVP to Rabbi Amy Eilberg rebamy@eilberg.com Please share this invitation with other colleagues who are potential dialogue leaders and planners (and encourage them to RSVP so we can plan appropriately).Hope to see you there!
From the Interfaith Coalition on Immigration:
The Rev. Paula Bidle, a professional chaplain, and Julia Smith, a student at Macalester College who knows first hand what it means to have a friend detained by ICE, are ICOM's visitor training leads. For those interested, this is their announcement -- please respond directly:
Hi Everyone!On behalf of some of us that are working on the Visitation Project, we would like to invite you to join us for a training! If this is your first email about this project, the Visitation Project is a project that will, once we successfully navigate all of the red tape, bring community members to the detention center in St. Paul where detained immigrants are held. The goal of this project is to provide detained immigrants with support and someone to talk to in such an isolating environment. We are currently recruiting people who would be dedicated to this program. To be eligible to participate you must be able to make a commitment to a 6 hour training as well as visiting at least once a month for six months(we will provide transportation if that is a concern). Also, since this is a new program, we have to ask that anyone who has ever served jail time, even if it was for a civil disobedience offense, not participate. Sorry! Additionally, we want to make clear from the get-go that the purpose of the visitation is to provide support, not conversion and NO proselytizing will be permitted. Therefore, if you are receiving this email I would like to know from you...1. If you are still interested and able to participate and if so....2. On what days of the week and at what times of day are you generally free? Would you like the training to be done in one chunk, or on two separate days?
Thank you very much and we look forward to hearing from you. Julia Smith <jsmith10@macalester.edu> Paula Bidle <bidlemoore@CorazonDigno.net>
Go to Cuba with the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee:
About Cuba: Cuba has a unique and compelling place in the history of Jewish life in Latin America. Most are aware that Cuba—only 90 miles south of Key West, Florida—has had extremely strained relations with the U.S. since Fidel Castro took power in 1959. What is less well known is that Cuba is home to 1,500 Jews and that this community had lost connection to Jewish culture and tradition under communism. A change in Cuban law allowing religious expression in 1991 enabled JDC to re-enter the country. Since then, JDC has provided critical humanitarian aid as well as religious and cultural support for the island’s small Jewish community. Today, Cuba is experiencing a remarkable renaissance in Jewish life. Itinerary Highlights:Visits to the island’s historic synagogues and Jewish institutionsExclusive briefings with Jewish community leaders to understand the realities of Jewish life in Communist CubaVisits to programs of the world’s largest Jewish humanitarian aid organization, the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), to address community needs and support Jewish lifeConversations with local young leaders about their uniquely Cuban Jewish culture and way of lifeMojitos and Afro-Cuban beats in Havana’s lively night clubs, visits to museums and art galleries, and strolls through Havana’s historic neighborhoods Trip Dates: September 2-6, 2010 Cost: $2,400 The trip cost includes: Round-trip airfare from Miami to HavanaLocal transportation within CubaMealsHotel accommodations (note: the participation fee covers accommodations in double rooms; participants may elect to stay in a single room for an additional fee)Briefings, tours, and leisure activitiesMedical and emergency evacuation insurance Note that participants will be expected to submit a deposit of $850 upon notification of selection. Final payment of $1,550 will be due by Friday, August 6th. JDC Global Leadership Grants: JDC does not want the cost of the trip to prevent your participation. If you are unable to contribute the full participation fee, we encourage you to apply for a JDC Global Leadership Grant (see JDC Global Leadership Grant section of attached application). JDC will award JDC Global Leadership Grants to a select number of participants on an as-need basis. Your decision to apply for a JDC Global Leadership Grant will not impact selection decisions. Beyond applying for a JDC Global Leadership Grant, we also encourage you to fundraise to cover the cost of your participation. We are happy to provide guidance as you reach out to friends and family to seek donations for this worthwhile experience. Flight Details: The group will depart on a charter flight from Miami International Airport early in the morning on Thursday, September 2nd, and will return to Miami on Monday, September 6th. A detailed flight itinerary will be announced closer to the trip. Participants will be responsible for arranging transportation to and from Miami to meet the group flight, and should plan to arrive in Miami by the evening of Wednesday, September 1st, to ensure you are able to make the Havana, Cuba, connection. JDC will provide hotel suggestions for the night of Wednesday, September 1st. Participants will be responsible for expenses associated with a hotel stay in Miami.
To apply, visit: http://jdcnextgeneration.wufoo.com/forms/jdc-national-young-professionals-trip-to-cuba/ Questions? Contact: globalservice@jdcny.org
About the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC): For 95 years, JDC has provided rescue, relief, and renewal for Jewish communities outside of North America, helped Israel meet the needs of its most vulnerable citizens, and offered a Jewish response to natural and man-made disasters and non-sectarian development needs around the world. JDC’s work in over 70 countries is inspired by Jewish values of mutual responsibility, that kol yisrael areivim zeh l’zeh (all of Israel is responsible for one another), and tikkun olam, that Jews have an obligation to repair the world.
March for Immigrant Rights and Against SB1070
NO to Arizona's racist law, SB1070
SATURDAY, MAY 1ST (International Workers' Day!)
MARCH: Gather at 2pm at 1 of 3 Minneapolis meet-up points:1) 42nd and Nicollet Ave. S - International Workers' Day March for Immigrant Rights 2) Chicago Ave and Franklin Ave. S March for Immigration Reform/Marcha por la Reforma Migratoria 3) University Ave. and Central Ave. SE March for Immigration Reform/Marcha por la Reforma Migratoria Marches will meet up downtown and march on the Republican State Convention, where the 2 leading candidates for the governor nomination say they support Arizona's racist, anti-immigrant, anti-Latino law SB 1070 FOLLOWED BY A RALLY IN LORING PARK featuring music, speakers, and more
-------------Last Friday, Arizona's governor signed into law the most reactionary anti-immigrant legislation yet passed by any state in the U.S., a law that essentially legalizes racial profiling. As the NYTimes reports, "The law, which proponents and critics alike said was the broadest and strictest immigration measure in generations, would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Opponents have called it an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status." As Zach de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine put it, this bill will "turn the entire state police force into sanctioned agents of racial profiling. It seeks to turn the entire state of Arizona into an island of hate, where to be brown is to be suspected of a crime."
The legislation has generated a wave of protests in Arizona and across the country, including a walkout by over 1,000 Arizona high school students on Friday. Even President Obama denounced the legislation. But only massive pressure from below can stop this racist legislation in its tracks, and win full legalization for all immigrant workers in this country!
Join us Saturday in the Twin Cities to protest Arizona's legislation and demand legalization and equal rights for all immigrants, and an end to the deportations and attacks on immigrant communities! Thousands will be march across the country as well!
-------------Last Friday, Arizona's governor signed into law the most reactionary anti-immigrant legislation yet passed by any state in the U.S., a law that essentially legalizes racial profiling. As the NYTimes reports, "The law, which proponents and critics alike said was the broadest and strictest immigration measure in generations, would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Opponents have called it an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status." As Zach de la Rocha of Rage Against the Machine put it, this bill will "turn the entire state police force into sanctioned agents of racial profiling. It seeks to turn the entire state of Arizona into an island of hate, where to be brown is to be suspected of a crime."
The legislation has generated a wave of protests in Arizona and across the country, including a walkout by over 1,000 Arizona high school students on Friday. Even President Obama denounced the legislation. But only massive pressure from below can stop this racist legislation in its tracks, and win full legalization for all immigrant workers in this country!
Join us Saturday in the Twin Cities to protest Arizona's legislation and demand legalization and equal rights for all immigrants, and an end to the deportations and attacks on immigrant communities! Thousands will be march across the country as well!
Articles/videos on the Arizona legislation: Arizona Legalizes Racial Profiling - http://www.zcommunications.org/arizona-legalizes-racial-profiling-by-marjorie-cohnGOP Hopefuls in MN Say Arizona Law Step in the Right Direction - http://www.startribune.com/politics/state/92369324.htmlArizona Enacts Stringent Law on Immigration (NYTimes) - http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/24/us/politics/24immig.htmlThousands of Students Walk Out to Protest Immigration Bill - http://www.kpho.com/news/23206700/detail.htmlAlto Arizona: Zack de la Rocha speaks out against AZ's racist law: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVOZGAbEARMAlto Arizona campaign website - www.altoarizona.comRazing Arizona: Good summary of the issues involved - http://counterpunch.org/huerta04232010.html