Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Uptown Havurah July Shabbat on the Water

Hey people. Get ready to hang with your favourite people as we welcome Shabbat in this week by the lake. Here are the deets:

Where: By Lake Calhoun...right here
When: 7:30pm
If it's raining: We'll meet at Meredith's house (2309 S 5 Av)
What to bring: Something vegetarian for the potluck (and/or utensils). Please consult the list below for a better of idea of what we still need.

Who's bringing what:

Pre-Shabbat snack fare: ____________________

Challah (at least two): ________________________

Soup: __________________________

Salad: __________________________

Side Dish: _________________________
Main Dish: _________________________

Dessert: ___________________________

Drinks: ___________________________

Paperware and other non-food stuff:

Plates: ________________________

Cups: ________________________

Bowls: ______________________

Cutlery: _____________________

Napkins: ____________________

Tea lights: ___________________
Lighter: _____________________

Portable chairs: _______________

Insect Repellent: _______________

Kabbalat Shabbat packets: ___________(Meredith)