Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shabbat on the Water Returns! Join us this Friday!

Chevre (by this I mean 'comrads/friends,' as in the Hebrew, not goat cheese),

We hope this finds you soaking in the glorious summer sun.  This is just a quick reminder that this Friday at 7:30pm we are gathering to welcome in Shabbat by the southern end of Lake Calhoun. Click here for a map of where we'll be convening.

As usual, we're doing this vegetarian potluck-style, so please let us know what you're bringing (watch for updates below). You might also wish to bring along any of these:

*portable chairs
*picnic blankets
*insect repellent
*tea lights and matches or a lighter

Everyone is invited, please feel free to bring friends!!

In case of rain, we'll move the fun over to Josh's place
(3037 Holmes Ave. #3 55408), but the forecast looks promising.

Be well and stay safe (word has it the tornadoes aren't leaving our area alone...),

Who's bringing what:

Pre-Shabbat snack fare: ____________________

Wine:____________________(Emily's bringing grape juice)

Challah (at least two): ________________________(Josh)

Soup: __________________________

Salad: __________________________(Josh; Mike's bringing a heavier, non-green salad)

Side Dish: _________________________(Deborah and Todd, or maybe a main dish)

Main Dish: _________________________

Dessert: ___________________________(Danielle)

Drinks: ___________________________(Caren is bringing homemade soda, Kumquat Vanilla)

Paperware and other non-food stuff:

Plates: ________________________(Rema)

Cups: ________________________(Rema)

Bowls: ______________________

Cutlery: _____________________

Napkins: ____________________

Tea lights: ___________________(Meredith)

Lighter: _____________________

Portable chairs: _______________

Insect Repellent: _______________

Kabbalat Shabbat packets: ___________(Meredith)