Thank you to everyone who attended. We had a great turnout and it was a total blast! Free fresh baked goods + alcohol + awesome people = a little like heaven.
We hope you can join us this Friday night for our March Kabbalat Shabbat + potluck dinner at Raysh's place. There will be some birthday festivities as well, so come for the stories of fatal priestly mishaps*...stay for the birthday cake!
*(See http://www.myjewishlearnin
Also, please let us know if you're coming to our awesome Passover seder. Chaya and Jon are hosting the second night, Tuesday, April 19. More details forthcoming. The night Passover ends, we're also planning on having a Tap 'n Torah party involving--you guessed it--beer and learning (and other chametz-filled delights).
And stay tuned about the planning meeting where we'll brainstorm the May bike ride/picnic event.
For now, here's who's bringing what this Friday:
Pre-dinner snack food (we won't be eating dinner right away: this is important)_____(Monica's bringing fruits, veggies, and chocolates; Nathan's bringing hummus and pita)
Wine________(Madeline, Evan S. [later])
Challah (at least 2)___________(Emily)
Salad_________(Chaya and Jon)
Drinks (water, soda, juice etc.)________
Side dish_________(Meredith's making a quinoa dish; Katy's bringing cooked root veggies; Molly and Melissa S. are bringing noodle kugel; Yehonathan)
Main course___________(Emily, Deborah and Todd)
Dessert____________ (Raysh is making some sort of cake, the kosher sangria might make an appearance; Mike)
General stuff:
Plastic or Paper Cutlery__________(Melissa M.)
Plastic or Paper Cups___________(Melissa M.)
Plastic or Paper Plates__________(Melissa M.)
Napkins_______________(Melissa M.)
Transliterated Kabbalat Shabbat song sheets______ (Raysh)
Bencher with Kiddush: (Raysh)
Extra kippot:_____ (Raysh)